On Tuesday, the 22nd of Februaru 2022, meeting of Steering Team has conducted at remotely with the help of MS Teams platform.
The agenda included very important topics concerning the project iBIGworld implementation (see link to the agenda https://docs.google.com/document/d/159cYx9i0aXS04O_739C8ds4S1ZODBRdnynQHT7P3-yo/edit?usp=sharing ).
Namely, Vasyl Martsenyuk started from emphasizing the importance of preparing the materials for the e-learning course of Big Data. He noted that the next transfer of financing will be only after the presenting and confirming the materials prepared for IO3 due to the templates. It plays the key role to complete project successfully.
Georgi Dimitrov analysed the current state of the materials prepared. His report was focusing on fitting the qualitative and quantitative requirements of the materials prepared for Big Data training course.
He stated that all these materials should be completed in proper way as soon as possible (till the next project meeting). The materials are also mandatory when developing the guidelines for students, teachers, and business. They will be used in C2 and C3 training in Serbia. Practically the preparation of all topics is needed to be continued. The templates are located at the Topic 6.
Then the meeting was redirected to the remote training on the preparation of the materials. The teachers presenting all the partners took an active part at the training. Eugenia Kovatcheva presented the final versions of the templates of the materials basing on the Topic 6.
Georgi Dimitrov has offered an approach to relate competences with learning activities and learning materials (see below).
Vasyl Martsenyuk has offered to modify the questions for quizzes in order to allow to assess the competencies along all the topics. Namely, he offered to follow the AIKEN format.
The problem of relation of competences and topics was emphasized by Dragan Stojanovic
Marcin Bernas presented good practices which were gathered as a result of stage IO1 and could be used when developing the learning materials
Georgi Dimitrov presented Bloom’s taxonomy which offers different levels of competences. It should be cornerstone when developing the guidelines.
The next issues of the meeting were concerning the financial issues, and planning the multiplier events.
Marcin Bernas presented alpha version of the platform for Big Data Smart Job Hub (https://ibigworld.ath.edu.pl/index.php/en/home-english/)
It was confirmed to use it as a platform to put the information on business and HEI partners of the project, job offers, news on the project etc.
Link to to-do-list
Link to the meeting video