During the period May 16 – May 20, 2022 Student’s Training C3 was held. The event was hosted by the University of Nis (UNi) in Serbia.

The third training activity involved the organization of the Big Data course offered to computer science students in UNi.  The agenda of the event can be found through the link https://docs.google.com/document/d/174j69vz0DD5EIptav-d7rT0JLHMji-Ag/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=101046534126028994548&rtpof=true&sd=true

University of Bielsko-Biala (UBB), University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (ULSIT), UNi have sent four students each in the ICT field. The instructors of the course were trainers from all universities. The training was conducted according to the already established methodologies and teaching materials. The trainers were representatives of UNi teachers. Teachers from ULSIT and

UBB attended the classes and assisted in their conduct.

The format was tailored to the academic classes at the university.

Craft topics was related to the goals and objectives of the project:

- Database based on an advanced reference in the case of BigData (covering 01 - A1.1. Data collection and A1.2. Analysis)

- How to analyze requirements with a Big Data and how to find the best solution to the problem (covering 02 and 03)

- How to best prepare Big Data professionals in the Data Lake ecosystem (O3 and O4 outputs)

- How to help managers find the best way using their Big Data resources

Students from UBB, ULSIT, and UNi joined the activity. Certification of attendance was provided to all the participants.

At the joint introductory session the meeting has started from the introduction of the student’s teams from the project participants.


Photo. Prof. Vasyl Martsenyuk presents the student team from UBB.


Photo. Prof. Georgi Dimitrov presents the student’s team from ULSIT


Photo. Prof. Dejan Rancic presents the student’s team from Uni.


Photo. Prof. Dragan Stojanovic and prof. Natalija Stojanovic presented the introduction to Big Data Science, parallel, distributed and cloud computing principles and technologies, as well as the Big Data pipeline and ecosystem services for the students participating in C3. The link to video clip is here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YTjePacrUVO6A6-5K2NXDKi4FO49TXwP/view?usp=sharing


Photo. Ass. PhD Lyubomir Ivanov Gotsev has delivered the training on Big Data Analytics Tools. The link to video recording is here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1R4KdQu2V5ZvSXAhrXROiwMFwSSCPJkI3/view?usp=sharing

Totally there were 12 students participating in the training. They were divided into 4 teams, each performing its own project. Teams were formed in such a way that mixing students from different countries of the consortium.


Photo. Team 1: Damian Mateusz Grygierczyk (UBB), Kacper Palka (UBB), Djordje Antic (UNi)


Photo. Team 2: Andjela Kostic (UNi), Slaven Krasimirov Panov (ULSIT), Mateusz Damek (UBB)


Photo. Team 3: Genadiy Penev Gospodinov (ULSIT), Mina Krstic (UNi), Gabriela Kalinova Naydenova (ULSIT)


Photo. Team 4: Tamara Ristovska (ULSIT), Danica Pejcic (UNi), Wojciech Kłósko (UBB)


Photo. For the purpose of  ice-breaking some of the trainings have been organized at coffee house vanue.  See the link to the video recordings




At the last day of the training the projects under development were presented by the teams at the joint session of C2 and C3.


Photo. Team 1 presents the project dealing with the development of Kaggle+Python workflow for Big Data use case on Bank churners. The video recording of the presentation can be found here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rc2PDPtNijvCC0mMzOiHDsWeGRrwJdLv/view?usp=sharing The responses for the questions were as follows https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nhD5VP7xGFbxV475d70qQ8_jgMi621I8/view?usp=sharing and https://drive.google.com/file/d/1S2GJlbrILE3i8XrhHMTRwYY0zDGiIKpV/view?usp=sharing


Photo. Team 2 is reporting on the project aiming to construct Big Data workflow for the purpose of binary classification of COVID x-ray data. The video recording of the presentation can be seen through the link https://drive.google.com/file/d/19higSKjiMazUH9cTd6WYY_zyefX0qhfW/view?usp=sharing Answers for the questions can be found here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vqPPRNl8bDJvIP8U3k6S3G5L-UFeKcEl/view?usp=sharing


Photo. Team 3 is presenting the project devoted to the visualization facilities of Big Data. The link to the video recording of the presentation is here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fXDP2xrFFnRG-Awq7jOo3WBl4epjEXXg/view?usp=sharing  Answer to the question is here https://drive.google.com/file/d/19l1jQSvXyo0EU-eq1QmuKPue9vA2SDcx/view?usp=sharing


Photo. Team 4 presents the project devoted to the problem of developing workflow for regression and clusterization of Big Data. The data from the Human Development Index were used. The link to the video recording is here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kkAYcK3d-GtJtCbZHkeoeDrTYjalpnGq/view?usp=sharing   The link to the video for answering the questions is here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_ZrdS96slx8h7LSNRUM67blAaOj17mjA/view?usp=sharing


Photo. Students from C3 have visited the Science Technology Park Nis together with teachers from C2. They had an opportunity to investigate one of the most powerful IT clusters in Serbia, most companies are focusing on Big Data.


Photo. Teams for C2 and C3 trainings from UBB near the main building of UNi.