On May 21, 2022 Transnational Meeting M3 was held in Nis (Serbia). The Meeting was conducted on the basis of Science Technology Park Nis https://ntp.rs/en/
The third project meeting was organized by University of Niš (Uni) in Serbia. The purpose of this meeting was to track the progress of the project, to discuss the experience from the training activities C1, C2, and C3. Also, feedback on the ongoing activities for the development of the Foresight Study (03) and the Guide for Instructors (04) was considered.
The participants from UNi, University of Bielsko-Biala (UBB), and University of Library Studies and Information Technology (ULSIT) took an active part at the meeting. The team from Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (TSNUK) participated at M3 remotely.
Photo. Participants of M3 at Science Technology Park Nis.
The link to the agenda of the meeting is below
Prof. Vasyl Martsenyuk presented the current state of the project outcomes. He focused an attention on the sequence of the intellectual outcomes. Namely, the requirements for Big Data training course (O2) follow from the survey analysis of O1. In turn, the framework of Big Data training course is constructed on the matrix competencies-topics from O2. Finally, guidelines for teachers-student-business at the stage O4 are based on the training course O3.
Prof. Georgi Dimitrov draw an attention to the preparation of the multiplier events E1, E2, E3, E4. He presented the templates that have to be used as the advertising materials required.
Assoc. Prof. Eugenia Kovatcheva was focusing on following Gannt's chart of the project especially taking into account the necessity of the translation of the reports into native languages of the partners of the consortium.
Besides that, it was started the discussion about different approaches when implementing learning scenarios as the promising activity for Big Data training.
The participants of M3 have discussed and confirmed the Conclusions offered by teachers as a result of C2 Teacher’s Training. It was marked the valuable role of the common training of teams of all partners enabling us better interchange of experience and cooperation when developing Big Data course.
The link to the Conclusions of C2 is below
Finally, to-do list was offered and confirmed. The link to to-do list is below
Photo. iBIGworld coordinators
The link to the video recording of M3 Transnational Meeting with the help of MS Teams platform is below